It is Wednesday...
So it must be Wacky Wednesday!
So let's write the...
Never-Ending Story!
1. I will post a picture and then begin a story with 3 to 6 sentences...
2. Then I will stop in MID-SENTENCE...
3. The next person picks up (in MID-SENTENCE) where the last comment left off and will then add 3 to 6 sentences to continue the story...
4. And then she/he/it will stop in MID-SENTENCE
5. Don't end the is a never-ending story
6. You may post as many comments as you want to continue the story!
Let's Write!

Howard was a happy man. He loved going to work every day. Howard knew he was lucky to be working in the Texas gulf coast oil fields. He had a pretty wife, a cool car and a brand new lunch pail. Howard couldn't wait for lunch so he could show his buddies what his lovely wife had prepared for lunch. What Howard didn't know is that his wife, Patty, had packed a...
a Dear Howard letter in with his pimento cheese sandwich. She had checked the commodities page on oil prices and decided she was on the wrong end of production so she was leaving him for
(Let's see if we can get this ball rolling...Deb)
(Yippee!!! My heart rejoices! Trash Talk is here!)
...a giant wind turbine salesman! Being a little slow, Howard had eaten half the sandwich and half the note before noticing it! Humiliated by the message, Howard...
was even further embarrassed by having to pick parts of the note out of his teeth to finish reading it.
felt his embarrassment turn to anger and then to rage. Howard had given her everything and had denied her nothing she desired. And she took it all willingly. Now she had also taken his love and happiness and security. He didn't know where Patty was, but he was determined to ...
finish that darn sandwich before he started looking! After all, a man HAS to keep his strength up. But then all of a sudden as he felt the tears welling up, he felt the oil derrick begin to
Yea! Trash Talk is back! ... sway, it must be that nasty wind blowing in from the Panhandle. Howard pondered his problem and decided to find Patty and show her...
that leaving a soggy note in a pimento and cheese sandwich was not the way to treat the man who loved you. And as he lifted his fist towards the sky, he shouted . . .
"screw you, I'm from Texas!" It seemed that Howard was a fan of legendary Texas singer, songwriter, Ray Wiley Hubbard! Howard wasn't worried about a lefty, pinko, hippie wind turbine salesman! He knew that oil men had bigger rigs! And with that thought, he embarrassed his co-workers by...
(Welcome all you new writers! I love your contributions! Welcome to the club!)
...dropping his drawers, that is the chest of drawers he had just bought for Patty at Canton. He replied, you will be sorry because...
I had made special plans for us and now you will......
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