You thought I would give you a break
because of Mother's Day...
Heck, no!
No rest for the weary...
or wicked!
Pop Test!

Directions: Multiple choice answers...
you are responsible for answer D.
you are responsible for answer D.
A. Lulu and Laurie in the workshop making junk jewelry.
B. Hey, fella! You show us your gun and we'll show you ours!
C. The Junk Gypsies preview their hot new look for next year!
D. The HoneyMoonshiners
(and we're off!)
D. Malisa and Cher packing for a road trip.
D. We don't share our Malibu Rum.
D. This is my rifle. This is my gun. One is for fighting and one is for fun!
hey fellas, is this your first crossing?
d. CSI:Kentucky
d. Mindy and Cher were prepared to hunker down and do whatever to protect their secret stash of Pennsylvania Dutch Egg Nog.
d. Obama ain't gettin' our guns!
d. In Texas you need a license to carry? Ya don't say!
d. Bullet birth control
d. The best armor is staying out of gun-shot.
-Italian proverb
d. Guns don't kill people. PMS does!
d. There's no problem that a woman with a gun cannot solve.
d. Guns Up!
d. The M&M's modeling the lastest in junk hunting accessories.
d. The Moonlight Hollow girls getting ready for a little hunting party at the Cheney's which was supposed to be a real blast.
d. Guns and Roses...Southern Style.
D. The Louisiana Welcome Wagon!
D. The fashion show at the NRA convention.
D. Hey, look at our jugs! No, the ones on the top shelf!!!
d. Lulu and Laurie were locked and loaded.
d. Guns of Gran Patron
d. Finally the girls of Moonlight Hollow had found their target audience.
d. Malisa and Cher posing for the centerfold of Guns and Ammo
D. The winner and first runner-up in the Miss Arkansas Pageant!
D. The surviving ancestors of the Quick Draw McGraw fortune!
D. Stacked and packed!
D. Michelle Obama thought her "guns" were big!
d. Smile when you say that, mister!
D. Trash Talk's booth at Warrenton will be featuring the sequined "crotch holster" this fall!
d. Modeled by the lovely Malisa of Moonlight Hollow fame.
D. $5.00 admission to the freak show!
D. Trash Talk advertises it as the "Pocket Rocket"!
(Love the PA Dutch one!)
D. We'll bring the guns and booze. You bring the romance.
Mindy, you better bring the romance. You're the only one that's got some! The rest of us will bring up the rear with guns, booze, and food.
d. Both the girls and the guns were loaded for bear.
d. Don't that just cock your pistol?
d. Mabel & Myrtle posing for a photo on their way to the Boar's Nest to meet the Duke boys.
d. Sure as shootin'...the girls were gonna bag a man this time.
Man, can somebody else get a word in edgewise around here?
d. Sorry, gentlemen. This margarita mix is reserved for Junk Sistas only!
Woohoo! WhisperWoman goes to the head of the class!
d. If you don't buy raffle tickets, you answer to US!
D. The result of a torrid love affair between Burt Reynolds and Daisy Duke.
Way to go Cher and Alvyn!!! BTW, is she saying we talk too much?
d. Mabel and Beaulah prefer gun powder to face powder.
d. Now appearing nightly at Droopys...Chesty James and her 45's followed by Smokin' Gunn.
d. Mabel like to call Myrtle her little "Shotgun" cause she was 4'10" and double barreled.
d. Mindy planned on serving jello "shots" at the Poetry garage sale, while Malisa was going to whip something out on her brand new rifle range.
I am all over bringing the romance and the jello shots and the bullets! he he he Did somebody say food?
D. Debbie and Lauri are gonna take a swig and shoot it out to see who gets CD.
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