Wish you had attended
Back Porch Par'tay?
Let me show you more!

Debi had her boutique,
decked out for Halloween!

Of course, The Junkin' YaYa
featured treasures
from around artists
around the world.
Enjoy the photos!

I would have taken
photos of Debi's
original jewelry,
but there were always
too many people crowded
around selecting their favorites!
Nice problem, Debi!
Want to see more?
Visit The Junkin' YaYa at
Once again, thanks for the the great time
at your Back Porch Par'tay!
Wow, VERY impressive! Seriously. Can I come with you next time? I love each and everyone of the photos. Thanks girlfriend for sharing!!
Mmmmm, loverly, loverly, loverly. I especially love that cream and cross jacket. But then I would because it would look so good on me!!! Great pictures of some great merchandise!
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