Have you noticed I haven't been on the computer much lately?
I'm injured.
Want to know about my new injury?
Lurch calls it:
Blogger Shoulder
Pinterest Shoulder
FaceBook Shoulder
But this is what it is really called...
I am in an arm sling.
I am in pain.
I am worried because...
it is my throwing arm!
No, not that kind of throwing arm.
Although it would be that kind of throwing arm if I wasn't so
It is this kind of throwing arm...
you know,
the knife throwing arm...
the drink in your face throwing arm...
the "how dare you say that" arm!
Even more important...
it is my drinking arm!
Yep, you heard me...
my drinking arm!
Do you know where I am spending the holidays?
New Orleans!
I will be on Bourbon Street
with a bum drinking arm!
Guess I will have to get help from...
my officially sanctioned drinking dog!
use my newly developed artificial drinking arm!
I might have to get one of these!
But New Orleans isn't all about drinking!
It's also about drinking and...
Now how are Lurch and I going to get our groove on
with my bum shoulder?
Or how am I gonna...
catch beads while I carry my drink?
I will only have one arm!
How in the world...
can I take photos to share with you?
I will only have one hand!
Do I carry my camera
or carry my drink?
Maybe I could just...
carry my camera in my drink!
carry my drink in my camera!
Of course, it is hard to look stylish
during Christmas in New Orleans
with my arm in a sling.
I certainly don't look like...
Grace Kelly with her Hermes scarf sling.
Oh, no...
I look like this!
maybe there is an advantage to having
a sling on Bourbon Street!
Why don't you make yourself a bourbon and sit back
and enjoy a little Aaron Neville singing
Louisiana Christmas Day?