Saturday, October 13, 2012

30 Days of Photographs...Day 13...Calm

This is the Salvation Army Harbor Light Choir from Houston. They perform every year at the Zapp Hall Antique Show. Amidst the hectic pace of motivated shoppers and dedicated party goers, the Harbor Light Choir strolls on stage on Saturday and Sunday mornings and brings us all to our knees. No need for a joke here, MWJ. 

This choir is comprised of current or former participants of substance abuse programs. The choir changes from year to year so there are always new faces on the stage, but the music never changes. It is soulful, inspirational and tells a heartfelt story. 

My favorite days of the Zapp Show are always the days that the Harbor Light Choir performs. They sooth my soul. They calm me. They make me smile. They set the mood for the day. They are my Zapp Show happy pills. However, I probably shouldn't say that since they are all recovering from substance abuse and I am abusing like crazy. 

You know what I like about this photo? I like the irony of these strong, recovering men sharing their stories through  song...right under the banners for beer. It's like real life. Only in black and white. 

Want to see more of the Harbor Light Choir? They are on Facebook HERE. I've posted a video below. Go ahead, start your day off right! Or book the choir for an event. If they are good enough for Elton John, they are good enough for you.