Friday, June 18, 2010

And So A New Quest Begins...

Lurch goes on quests.

Sometimes his quests last for years!

There was a quest for a certain trailer hitch
that I thought would never end!

Then there was the quest for this particular
set of vintage barbeque tools.
We finally found those...

His quest for huge, old metal meat cleavers
with the purchase of TWO!

Perhaps, the most famous of Lurch's quests
was his quest for the perfect woman...
but I digress!
(Big grin)

Lurch began his last quest several months ago
and I am proud to say that it ended this week
with this...

the quest for his "lusted after"
chest of drawers is over!

It was love at first sight!

Lurch appreciates
"a good set of knobs"...

and a nice set of legs!

Lurch said he loves
"an older piece with good lines"!

Lurch is getting her ready
for her big makeover.

So, here is the question:

What would you do
to make her beautiful?