"Birthdays are good for you.
Statistics show that the people who have
the most, live the longest,"
--Larry Larenzoni--
"There is still no cure for the
common birthday."
--John Glenn--
"Inside every older person is a
young person wondering
what the hell happened."
--Cora Harvey Armstrong--
Sue, just remember this:
Birthdays are nature's way of
telling us to eat more cake!
Happy Birthday, Sue!
Happy Birthday!
Such an awesome picture, don't you think? Of course, that sums up me! Thank you for the post, I'm touched, seriously. Every year on my birthday, when my friends all remember to make sure I know that they are thinking of me, well, THAT in itself means more to be than anything else in the world. May not have lots of money, but I'm extremely weathly in love and friendship. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Love you girl!
You forgot the best part of a birthday....getting spanked for each year on this Earth...better put on some Spanx (ha ha ha=I crack myself up daily) Birthday GIrl. You too MS.THing...just because! good friends are THE BEST!
"Inside every older person is a
young person wondering
what the hell happened."
Boy, ain't that the truth.
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