These past two years have been
years of healing...
both physically
and spiritually!

Two years of "retirement"
have closed many doors
for the two of us...
professionally and financially.

However, I feel that maybe...
just maybe...
we have finally arrived here.
Yes, doors may be opening...

The first door offers...


However, this choice
doesn't make me happy.

In fact, it makes me
downright sad.
However, stability is an absolute
necessity in our lives right now.

Door number two is...


Yet the second choice would
offer me freedom...


Choices have to be made.
Who knows where the
choices will lead us?

I feel like I am stuck here...

and here!

It is a big decision...
and a difficult decision!
All I know is that I am so
thankful for opening doors...
and forced decisions!

I have turned it over to God...
to lead me down the right path.
Stay tuned.
And he will....just listen closely....
I will be saying prayers for you...
Lou Cinda
It is always amazing to me the twists and turns in life...sometimes you end up in a place you never expected or saw coming! I will keep you in my prayers!
Hate choices but I know they are all in his great plan for us.
Listen to your heart and you will get your answer.
Sit quietly and listen...He'll speak to you.
Read Proverbs 16:9...there's an answer in it for you.
I will say a prayer for you and Lurch. Interesting that you're facing a crossroads at this particular time--and I can't wait to find out what the choices are and what you decide.
Good luck!A lovely post, I hope you find lots of happiness x
You already know how I feel about the choices, but let me add one thing I forgot when I emailed you. I completely left out what would make you happy!! And that my friend is something you must also include in your decision!!
Take care, Sue
Whichever path you take will lead you to the next adventure...
Which ever path you decide my friend...I will walk beside you as your friend, behind you to catch you if you fall and in front of you as your protector! Love ya...xo..deb
I'm praying for you... and I know you will make the right decision!
Prayers headin' up (some more.)
I really enjoyed this...you sort of took me with you.
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