I read something in the news
that was quite disturbing!
You thought I didn't read the news?
Au contraire mon frere!
I am hip, cutting edge and cool!
Okay, okay...
I have a lot of hips.
Does that make you happy?

So, like I was saying,
I read some disturbing news.
read it for yourself...
American Cancer Society researchers tracked the activity levels and death rates in more than 123,000 healthy men and women for 13 years. They found women who spend over six hours a day sitting during leisure time (watching TV, playing games, surfing the web, reading) were 40 percent more likely to die sooner than women who spend less than three hours sitting. Men who spend more time sitting have a 20 percent increased risk of death. Essentially, those who sit less, live a longer life than those who don't.

Want to read the whole article?
No, no...
I don't sit around working
on my computer
that much!

Okay, maybe I am addicted,
but I can fix it!

Maybe I can just blog
while I recline!

I think this would look
pretty cool in my living room!

Maybe I should get out more
and go for long walks...

or just get out and
enjoy nature!

Maybe I should spend more time
with the grandkids...

or at least wait until nap time
before I get on the computer!

What about the days I have to work?
No problem!

And shopping would be much
healthier for me than sitting on
my very hip hips!

Instead of sitting on my butt
working on the computer,
maybe I should ride a bike...

or run!

Maybe I just need to get out of the
house and ride around...

or go swimming!

Instead of staring at the computer screen,
maybe I should go to church.

Don't play like this has
never happened to you!
Playing with your pet is a
healthy alternative.

it is a constant reminder
of what you are missing!

As hard as I might try,
I am afraid that I can't give
you up, my dear friends!
So I guess I will just have to
resort to using these...

Oh Malisa, you are a bone! Get it? Bone? Skeleton picture...you..okay never mind!
Girl, I sit all day long at a desk, on a computer, and a phone! It is not looking good for me! Not at all....Steve? oh, he's up and around all day long, stays on his feet...I guess I can see where this is going....
Thanks alot!
Lou Cinda :)
This post has got me laughin all over the place! LOL! I love it and it's so fitting for us bloggers.
The photos are hilarious.
Thanks for making me laugh.
Well, aren't we "little miss sunshine" today! Want to get moving, come to work at Country Roads. You've got 15,00o sq feet to run around in and make every customer happy. They also appreciate a little ass kissing while you run by them. I have to say, it does help to keep you "lean and mean"! See you tomorrow, 10am sharp girlfriend!!
Take care, Sue
This was about the funniest post I've ever read. Thanks so much..I started the day with a laugh!
I sat at my computer , cup of tea in my hand when I starting read your post...What!! I read more , took a sip of tea ... LOL the tea went up my nose.... the dogs howled and I have tea running down sides of my mouth as I ty not to choke as I laugh..... but it was worth it . thank you for the laugh this morning wendy at blissangels
You are hilarious! Sadly (or not) I share this addiction and now I have all of these ideas on how to encourage it!
What a hysterical post! Now we have the "i-phone"??? So does that count, since we can do pretty much do about anything while using it and all you have to do is hold it in the palm of your hand! (just ask Greg) LOL xo..deb
we can't discuss this.
:-D xoxoxo
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