While I'm on a roll...
toilet paper...
a roll!
Get it?
I just could not pass up the opportunity
to share some designer toilet paper
to use in your dream bathroom!
How about these musical sheets?
Or maybe you prefer...

doing paperwork
in your dream bathroom!

Chuck Norris toilet paper?
Oh, yeah, that makes sense...
it is for your butt!

So that is what has been
happening to my money!

How about glow-in-the dark paper?
That would be handy at night!

Bored in your dream bathroom?
Well, this toilet paper gives
you instructions to create...

and this paper is a
game board!

Why hasn't someone thought of this before?
Colored toilet paper!

How about political paper?
I will avoid another butt joke!

This is actually rather stylish...
monogrammed paper!

Oh, yes, I remember this paper...
I think your employer uses this
in the office bathrooms!

Give your sweetie a heart-felt wipe!
Seriously, did I just say that?

When you come to Texas,
be prepared!
We ain't so Charmin down here!

This toilet paper should be required
in all school restrooms!
Forget your supplies?
Go to the bathroom!

Look what I got you
for your birthday!
Just what you always wanted!

Ho! Ho! Ho!
Nothing says the holidays
like a roll of seasons greetings!

Going camping?

Been there...
used that...
got the scars to prove it.

I really need this toilet paper
in my house for Lurch's bathroom!

For the in-laws
when they visit!

From time to time, there is a little truth
in advertising!
Toilet paper isn't just for your
dream bathroom.
It can also be used for...


or cool men's fashions...

or formal wear...

and wedding dresses!
But what if you don't have a
dream bathroom?

Build one!
Wow! That's some crazy tp! ~Mindy
funny papers! Lezlee
This is such a hoot Malisa ;-) Hope you are well...Peace and blessings
Seriously where do you find this stuff! LOL
I love the toilet paper that looks like school paper. hehe
I have seen this is several houses that I decorate their trees...Always makes me laugh
Staying up way to late to blog hop tonight....Love it!
Hope you will stop by for a visit...I am giving away lots of GIFTS this week on both blogs....to celebrate
Cute and funny post! Thanks for sharing!
Don't laugh...I ordered that monogrammed paper from Ballard's! I am Southern after all.
What...you couldn't find any duct tape paper for RobUhLyn?
Hey...btw while I have your attention...when are we going to resume your crazy contests?
I think I just pee'd my pants... can have some tp please?
;-D xoxo
I wouldn't have guessed that anybody could put together such a comprehensive post about toilet paper. But I should have known better, of course. This is America, and we do things up right here.
How cool is that! Such an entertaining post! LOVE IT!
all are great but the cheese grater one steals the show for me lol
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