The path has been chosen...

and I am feeling free!
Guess which road I took.
The safe road or the risky road?

You know I am a risk taker!

I am taking the big leap!

I believe that I can fly!
I believe that it will work!

So I am stepping up and
taking the opportunity!

I never want to look back
and think that I wasn't brave
enough to take the chance!

Who knows?
This may be my first and last chance!
I'm taking ownership!

My decision of which road to take
was a difficult choice...
stability vs opportunity!
My burden was lightened by prayers
from my wonderful blogging family!

One of you (you know who you are)
sent me a scripture which totally inspired me!

One of you reminded me to seek solace
and listen.
I needed that reminder!
Thanks to all of you who sent your
prayers and positive thoughts my way!

I believe this...

and this!

I desperately need for my new
business venture to work!

I know it will be hard work
and will require dedication
and lots of sweat equity!

But I am willing to do the work
to rescue us from a desperate situation!

I am proud to say that pieces of
the puzzle are coming together!
I know it is not coincidence.
I know it is God's hand leading us
down the right path.
I know it is your prayers
giving us the the confidence
to take the journey.

So Lurch and I will be hitting the road
in the near future.
Nope, we won't be moving from our home,
but we will be travelling to
where the customers are!
We will let our nomadic souls roam!

The best part is...
we will be doing it together!

I am inviting you to join
us on our new journey!
Did I mention how much I need you now?
I know that I have been very evasive
about our new journey.
Believe me, you will be reading
all the details soon!
In the meantime,
here is a small hint...

Thank you to all my wonderful
blogging buddies!
The "journey" itself is much more important than the destination! I KNOW will shine, just like a bright star! I'm proud of you for deciding to take the journey. It's what we learn along the way that make us who we are today! You take care my friend!
Good luck on your journey! If it feels right in your heart, it will be successful.
I'll be watching for more news of this journey!
Well, where have I been? I have only prayed regarding Lurch's health. I didn't know about this other request. Dang, I am behind on all my blogging buddies. I am picking up on some exciting vibes. Congrats to you and Lurch! I will try to stay tuned a little better, friend! ~Mindy
After seeing y'alls smiling faces...I know you've made the right decision. I'm behind you 100%!
P.S. I read somewhere you know it's right when it goes smoothly...only when we go against God's plan is it hard.
Hey girlfriend!
I am soooo excited for y'all! I got your text, but we are on vacation at the beach until next week. So, I will get back in touch when I get back! Much LOVE, HUGE hugs and smooches!!! xo..deb
I remember praying for this decision, but I didn't know it was going to end with you deciding to be a travelling tarty flapper woman, or whatever that space-out woman in the moon is.
Still, I support you. Go forth!
Hmmm, reads like a Saturday Centus.
Now I'll have to get here more often! Whatever it is, I know it'll work with this kind of attitude..
Malisa, sounds like an exciting adventure is headed your way, congrats on this! Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great weekend, T
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