It is time for
holiday libations!

When the Christmas decorations
come out of the box,
so do the holiday toddies!
There are some special liqueurs
that are our favorite Christmas drinks.

Snifters of this amber liquid
saved our marriage for many years
during Christmas tree trimming time!

Grand Marnier was our holiday drink
of choice for many years.

Until we were introduced to this
yummy drink several years ago...
minus the candy cane, of course.

Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur is reserved
only for Christmas season in our home.
Have you tried it?
I cannot tell you how delicious it is...
or how expensive!
This holiday season,
things are different...
times are tough...
adjustments must be made!

We have joined Maggie,
Kathy Griffin's mother,
in the joys of boxed wine.

Cabernet Sauvignon?
Pinot Noir?
No, just plain old...
well, never mind.

I have got to find a craft
to use all these plastic liners
out of the wine boxes!
Any ideas?
If you are still sober,
you need to go visit HERE.

YaYa Chique is having a super giveaway...
the Twelve Days of Christmas Giveaway!

Debi has already given away two prizes
so you better hurry!
Forget about this third prize
because I am winning this one!
Just sign up for the next prize!
Well, I tried.
Go ahead,
go enter the giveaway!
I'm busy anyway...

Gotta go tear open
a new box!
I run with some high tone straight out of a box and eggnog served in a mason jar.
I'm a "beer bitch" but thankfully I've still be able to have my beer in bottles. Only time till I too will not have to resort to a box, but to cans!! I have this GUT feeling, seriously, that our world is going to be surprised by 2011. We've all paid our dues, now it's time to move forward to brighter days.
Take care, Sue
My mom used to get boxes of "Chablis" wine. She said it was fine, but I never tried it. Malisa, it doesn't sound good. Still, it's better than Ripple. (Or at least I think it is!)
I came over from that Red Nek Chic, laughing so hard at your comment that I didn't even finish reading...came directly here and found the story which I added to. You are so funny (guess you've never heard that before) and I'm a newest follower. How can I not be?
Just call me Honey.
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