It is Wednesday...
It is Wacky...
So it must be Wacky Wednesday!
So it must be Wacky Wednesday!
All together now!
Let's write the...
Never-Ending Story!
1. I will post a picture and then begin a story
with 3 to 6 sentences...
2. Then I will stop in MID-SENTENCE...
3. The next person picks up (in MID-SENTENCE)
where the last comment left off and will then
add 3 to 6 sentences to continue the story...
4. And then she/he/it will stop in MID-SENTENCE
5. Don't end the story...
it is a never-ending story
6. You may post as many comments as you want
to continue the story!
Let's Write!

It was bound to happen! The combination was deadly. No one could hold her back. Anytime there was a mixture of men, booze and a piano, Lulu usually ended up on all three! When Leonard starting playing that baby grand, Lulu...
hobbled over on her one good leg and begged the boys to hoist her up atop (the piano) so she could work her stuff. First she swayed to the left. Then she swayed to the right. And, when she caught the rhythm and was tappin' away, she pulled out....
all the stops and began to shake it like a poloroid! Good grief, you would have thought she was on Dancing On The Stars for all the cha cha chaing going on, until suddenly she hit a really waxed spot on top of that ol' piano and
fell into the waiting arms of Cat Daddy! She knew a good Bronco Rider when she saw one and asked him for a ride! Just as they were gettin' ready to saddle up...
(BTW..too F^*&$( funny...lulu)ox
...Travis (yes, ladies, Travis Erwin of Monday's fame!) saunters up and says, "Unhand this one-legged woman!" Now Travis was really into unhanded one-legged woman and wanted LuLu really bad. So bad that he...
(See, Travis? This is why you really have to watch which sites you visit on the Internet. You never know what dusty trail they'll take you down!!!)
pulled at his gun! Cat Daddy looked at him and said "Boy,zip up!". Cat Daddy's comment got Lulu to squealing because she wanted...
pulled OUT his gun! Cat Daddy looked at him and said, "Boy, zip up!" Cat Daddy's comment got Lulu to squealing because she wanted...
shave off Travis' beard and dance the fandango. Yeah....that's right.....that's what it had all come down to when the dust cleared. And not ashamed to show his feminine side, as he danced he made high pitched cooing sounds. This just excited Lulu all the more. She pulled from the grasp of Cat Daddy and flung her.....
(Let's see if we can get this bad boy restarted!)
trusty partner-in-crime Laurie over her shoulder shouting "Let's git before the shooting starts! What do you say we head on over to the Bubble Lounge and see what ol' Imogene is up to...I hear she
is a man magnet! Sure enough, there was Imogene with her feet propped up in a young man's lap. She had a marguerita in one hand and in the other, she held a...
an athletic cup...daring any man to see if he could fill up her cup. 2chippys went wild! Finally, we can see the merchandise before we...
(thanks, Trash...xo lulu)
buy the ham. Laurie was just glad it was an athletic cup and not an athletic supporter since Lulu was known to run amuck when exposed to the
dark meat of porcine or bovine or mankind. If it had been an athletic cup Lauri would be made to chug copious amounts of vodka so it was VERY important to keep lulu happy AT ALL TIMES. But she forgot one thing...
(OKAY...what's with the THIN participation? Honestly, just b/c a girl dances on a table you all get righteous!)
Lauri is her driver and therefore CANNOT be impaired. She had an Evel Knevel Jump Competition in Waycross, Georgia. They were hellbent East like Thelma and Louise...
in search of freedom, wild men and junk...and there was lots of all three things between Texas and Georgia! Lulu,still a little excited about seeing Imogene with boy toys in her hands, pulled a bottle of tequila from her purse. It was too much for Laurie! She let go of the steering wheel and...
grabbed the bottle from Lulu. "No drinking and riding!" and with that said Laurie's '57 pickup went high tailing straight into a bar ditch, through a cow pasture, 'cross Old Man Lurch's tater farm and landed smack dab in the middle of
the outhouse! Poop and paper went flying everywhere! Hearing the noise, Old Man Lurch came running out of the house and said, "Well, ain't this a pile of...
crap on a cracker. In the meantime Lulu was busy whacking Laurie on the head with her big ol' junk bracelet saying "I told you to take a right at the next
black-eye pea farm, but, no, you had to turn at the tater tot farm!" With that, Laurie grabbed the bottle of tequila and chugged it! She then looked at Old Man Lurch and said, "You busy?" Old Man Lurch almost swallowed his dentures and said...
"Heck no. B.Z. has the next farm over. If'n that's who you are lookin' fer, I suggest you hop your two little sashaying selves on over, but before you do, you owe me 50 dollars for
sn outhouse raising! Laurie and Lulu knew they had no cash with them. What could they come up with to value $50? Laurie suggested they use junk necklaces and bracelets. When the junk jewelry was presented to Old Man Lurch, he laughed and laughed and laughed. He said he wasn't taking no junk in place of money. He said the girls could just..
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