I may not be feeling well...
but I always feel well enough to make a...
Pop Test!

Directions: Multiple choice answers...
you are responsible for answer D.
you are responsible for answer D.
A. Lulu finally decided on a dress for the wedding.
B. Trash Talk found herself the most popular girl at the prom.
C. Lily and Daisy model their new outfits for the Mother-Daughter style show to be held at the Boom Boom Room.
"Last night I dreamed I was the mystery miss of Moonlight Hollow in my Maidenform bra."
d. Malisa succumbs to mask envy!
d. Lurch says, "I don't mind Malisa wearing the mask to bed but those damn heels have to go!"
D The Real Housewives of Las Vegas?
d. Malisa tells Lurch: "Adding that mask when you're crossdressing was a good idea!"
d. I miss Trash Talk!
d. Trash Talk was forced to wear a mask in public after it was revealed she was older than dirt.
d. Trash, if you have the flu, you're suppose to wear a mask over your MOUTH!
d. Cat Daddy dreamed of being part of the Lucha Libre as Senor Senorita.
D. Margie wanted to undo the buckle on the shoe strap around her ankle, but her love handles kept her from bending that far!
d. After completing the Paso Doble on Dancing With The Stars, Judge Len compared Cher's bootie shake to spotted dick and custard.
d. Mabel used every trick in the book including a mask and a silver bullet bra to convince Tonto she could be his new kimosabe.
d. Deb makes her entrance at the Junk Gypsy Prom.
d. The mystery is solved. The miss was the steps Malisa failed to use when doing her famous triple back flip while unfastening her pasties from her mature yet ample bosom.
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