It is Wednesday...
and I am feeling Wacky...
and I am feeling Wacky...
so it must be Wacky Wednesday!
Where will we go today?
Where will we go today?
Scroll down and...
Let's write the...
Never-Ending Story!
Never-Ending Story!
1. I will post a picture and then begin a story
with 3 to 6 sentences...
2. Then I will stop in MID-SENTENCE...
3. The next person picks up (in MID-SENTENCE)
where the last comment left off and will then
add 3 to 6 sentences to continue the story...
4. And then she/he/it will stop in MID-SENTENCE
5. Don't end the story...
it is a never-ending story!
6. You may post as many comments as you want
to continue the story!
Let's Write!

They had begun their trip at the crack of dawn. Pam was anxious to get on the road. She was convinced that "the early bird got the worm". Peter just wanted Pam to take a nap so he could drive in peace. They were headed to the Open House at Winnie and Tulula's. Just as they reached the city limit sign in Athens...
they were terrified as they realized that Tristan was going to steal their fabulous image and they would enter into a strange cyber vortex from which they might never return, as he dragged the photo into his to-be-used-as-needed photo file on his mac.
How to save themselves?!
There would be no saving them this trip. They were quickly photoshopped by the evil Mal into WalMart instead of W&T where they were suddenly surrounded by hordes of
..Greeks, not realizing they had been clicked and dragged into virtual Athens, Greece! No problem, as we all know Walmart always has...
falling prices and one of those falling prices knocked Peter and Pam back into reality. They jumped back in the car to head to Winnie and Tulula's! Before Peter started the car, he turned and looked at Pam and told her to get out of the car! Pam thought he was teasing until she saw a blonde emerge from the backseat toting a gun! As she crawled into the front seat, Cher pointed the gun at Pam and said,"Get out, Pam! I will be the first visitor at Winnie and Tululua's! As Pam ran sobbing into the WalMart, Peter looked at Cher and said...
hurry, there is a sale on ammo on aisle 14. With both women now out of his hair, Peter could proceed to Winnie and Tallula's where he had a rendevouz planned with none other than
the sultry, seductive Lulu. They had been planning this rendevous ever since they heard about all the uber hip dealers who were opening a booth at Winnie and Tulula's! Lulu told Peter she would meet him at the Dairy Queen and he could recognize her by her junk bracelets and her...
...left boob hanging out into the mustard. Oh, she tried to keep that boob where it belonged but it just seemed to have a mind of its own. Why, only yesterday it...
*not part of the story*
...left boob hanging out into the mustard. Oh, she tried to keep that boob where it belonged but it just seemed to have a mind of its own. Why, only yesterday it...this dude just peed his boxers
Peeing boxers, boobs hanging out in mustard, this Wacky Wednesday is REALLY getting good. I mean "a wandering boob with of a mind of its own", awesome!
(Well, that answered the boxers or brief question!)
Why, only yesterday it did a little peek-a-boo act with the Schwann's man! The thought of a junk bracelet and a mustard laden boob made Peter...
wish he were a corny dog on a stick at First Monday. But he wasn't and being eager to get on with his Little Lulu he suggested they leave the D.Q. and head on over to the
Quickie Mart. Peter couldn't help it. He was thinking of quickies and corn dogs. After buying a foot long corn dog, Peter turned to Lulu and said...
don't growl if you ain't gonna bite. Lulu took that to mean only one thing and man, was she ever hungry for
that big old Peter corn dog! Just as she was about to take a big slurp (yes, he got her a Big Slurp too), her left boob popped out and it was like a paint ball war with mustard! Peter was so excited that he could just...
could not stand seeing that much yellow without thinking about Laurie and how she was waiting at Winnie's & Tallula's, so he rushed out of the D.Q. anxious to get to the grand opening and Laurie and buy her the biggest, rustiest, crustiest, chipped up
school locker this side of Crawford. Laurie had her eye, her good eye, on a particular locker. It sat in the dimly lit far north corner of the shop, hidden by an old dusty cupboard filled with corsets and suspenders. But you needn't bright lights to find it. This locker, this rusty, crusty, chipped up locker, originally stood in the boy’s gym locker room of Cedar Shoals High School. And it was that oh so familiar odor of......
shot gun shell he could find so she could use it on the junk necklace that Peter so wanted! He wanted to be a style setter for men everywhere! As he pulled up to the store front, he was surprised to see Cher entering the Winnie & Tallula's! She wheeled around on her cowboy boot heels, pushed her cowboy hat back on her head, looked Peter straight in the eye and...
forget my addition...go with Robin's!
socks and jocks! While most customers hurried by the locker with their hands clasped over their noses, Laurie ran to the locker squealing with glee! She screamed, "This is it! It's perfect for the wedding! I'll use it as..."
...the honeymoon suite! I don't want them to have too much fun and the stink will help with that! If I can only keep Lulu and her mustard mammary out of it! She just loves a cheap wiener and this would be the perfect place for her to...
lure a jock...or a fireman! Lulu loves her firemen! Laurie did not want her honeymoon suite to be mustard yellow so she concocted a plan to keep Lulu sidetracked by...
street sweeper BOB. He just bought some new brushes and was no his way home to.....
sorry, I wanted to participate yesterday but my left boob insisted on taking a road trip to the local nursery. No, not the baby nursery...any way after Phil posted bail for the indecent exposure at a Lowe's the Milton P.D. let me out around midnight. Phil is not a happy camper. I did, however, find a really good handy man, electrician, painter, landscaper...oh the list of phone numbers I received at Lowe's was impressive.
SO, here I am. Under house arrest and with a sports bra-from-hell to keep "Lefty" harnassed.
Keep her in check, Lulu! Keep her in check!
Can I just say if we are to continue to be the butt of your stories could someone please give us a poke so we can join in sometimes we have work to do you know......And what else happened int he story? lauri
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