It is Wednesday...
and there are lots of birthdays going on!
and there are lots of birthdays going on!
Who will be honored today?
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Let's write the...
Never-Ending Story!
Never-Ending Story!
1. I will post a picture and then begin a story
with 3 to 6 sentences...
2. Then I will stop in MID-SENTENCE...
3. The next person picks up (in MID-SENTENCE)
where the last comment left off and will then
add 3 to 6 sentences to continue the story...
4. And then she/he/it will stop in MID-SENTENCE
5. Don't end the story...
it is a never-ending story!
6. You may post as many comments as you want
to continue the story!
Let's Write!

She had waited for this day all of her life. It was her birthday and people were finally noticing. Her picture would be on the front page of the paper. Her rivals would be jealous. Her beaus would be hot with lust. Suddenly, the whole nursing home broke out in song, "Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear..."
Stanley, Happy Birthday to you...and many more! Nooo...she could not believe her large ears. How did they find out that she had been a he!!! Was it the ears? She jumped out of her chair spilling jello as she...
stumbled over her scientifically engineered breasts, which now hung around the vacinity of her knees. Quick movements had become a problem in the past several years.
She had to get to her room to see if anybody had disturbed the ...
diary and old photo album she had hidden under her bed. After all, she had worked hard all these many years to keep her secret. Now being fearful for her life......
because of her progressive disease she was ageing so quickly no one would realize she was really...
...a famous celebrity. Yes, she was a celebrity who deserved some time back in the spotlight! All she wanted was some Happy Birthday face time, but some backstabbing octogenarian had ruined it all by spilling the beans. She quickly packed her bags and headed out the door to...
tour with the Stones. She and Mick had a long time relationship going even though he was just a little older than she was and didn't know about her
time spent under the knife. She caught a ride with a long distance trucker named Lizard and they roared down the highway towards Las Vegas for the "Older Than a Rolling Stone" Revue. She checked her walker at the Bellagio and headed to the Frederick's of Hollywood to buy a
...a white tee shirt, because she had once been a judge on American Idol. While in the store she ran into her old friend...
Imogene who was in Vegas spending her SS check playing keno. Imogene was also shopping for a white tee only she wanted an edible one so when she
saw them on sale, she just about keeled over with excitement. Drooling with avidity....oh wait, it was her dentures that were causing her to drool...none the less, she headed over to the tousled pile of edibles undies, kicking and clawing her way in. It was then that she spotted the perfect tee in her favorite shade of puce. But dang it, that slut Stanley had snatched it up and was....
...slipping it on over her scientifically engineered breasts. Imogene noticed that Stanley's hanging baskets were peeking out from under the puce tee so she reached over and yanked on one. Stanley...
squealed like a pig and started crying like a banshee! While Stanley was having his fit, Imogene said, "Quit that shit! You know you can't feel through all that silicone!" and then she jerked that t-shirt right over his head. In the process, Stanley's tiara fell and hung on...
(Excuse Imogene's French! I can't control her!)
up on the remnants of her male-itude. But because it was so stumpy it slid off onto the floor. Imogene, never one to let an opportunity go by, snatched up the tiara, pulled on the puce (do you mean Puke?) t-shirt and skedaddled down the strip. She was almost to Caesar's Palace when the bouncer from Dede's Deelightful Cupfuls Lounge...
asked her if she had change for a quarter. Imogene did not take kindly to that remark and grabbed herself a handful of Dede! All that passerbys could see wer flashes of puce, rhinestones, peroxide hair and...
spittle from Imogene squirting like a lawn sprinkler onto a slip'n slide in 1969. Just about the time Imogene was collecting her false teeth from a homeless man the Po-lice showed up. Officer Bosephus Pule took one look at Imogene and called his wife Patsy...She was Imogene's cousin twice-removed, once butterflied and thrice-baked. Imogene saw ol' Bosephus and...
"Hell fire and brimstone! Why if it isn't my old beau who jilted me for that skinny-legged, hollow-headed, boot wearin', real teeth snappin', bourbon shootin', back stabbing Patsy!"
Bosephus, fearing an impending assault upon an officer of the law, took a few quick steps sideways; arms extended with palms facing the Devil, I mean, Imogene and starting...
making the sign of the cross. But that didn't phase Imogene because she wasn't Catholic. No mam, she wasn't no heathen. Imogene was a died in the wool, Bible thumping Baptist and she knew that the only way to save Bosephus was by baptism. In an effort to save herself and Bosephus, Imogene poured her bourbon and coke right on his head, grabbed his cell phone and said, "Patsy, you...
better get you self down here and collect your man. He's smellin' of bourbon and puttin' the moves on me and every other princess that....
[and, no, it is puce not puke.....who the heck would buy a puke tee?'s a color.....p-u-c-e.....a dark red color]
shakes her royal crown at him or is it crown royale that he wants shaken? Patsy was livid that Bosephus had obviously fallen off the wagon and onto
(Where was my pop test? I studied all week, teacher!)
(Listen, 'puce' was NOT a color in my box of 64 Crayola Crayons. Therefore I do not recognize it as legit. And one more thing...some of my best memories are in a puke colored t-shirt! oxoxxoxo daintily yours, lulu
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