Teacher may have been late...
but we're still having a
Pop Test!

Directions: Multiple choice answers...
you are responsible for answer D.
you are responsible for answer D.
A. Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
B. The Cock Of the Walk Award!
C. Congratulations! You Laid a Big One, Award!
d. David's award for being the only rooster in the henhouse!
d. Special Emmy that goes to Kate of reality TV fame who publicly pecked her husband and consequently her TV show to death!
d. Special award that goes to Malisa for "egging" on our stupidity!
d. And the award for laying the biggest "egg" goes to.....
d. Special award to Trash Talk for being too chicken to let Cat Daddy buy her a stripper's pole!
d, The Dumb Cluck Award to Cher for thinking I could use it and not hurt myself! (Did you not read one of my recent posts?)
d. The Fowl Play Award for blog bashing.
d. The Fowl award for using your blog to whine about...well, about anything!
D. Cher and Trash Talk Fighting Over the Pecking Order Award!
D. The Chicken Shit Award...goes to...
D. Biggest, Plumpest Breasts Award!
D. Well, tie my legs up and stuff me!
Guess I won't even try and add a oomment on that one, does it have anything to do with,
". . .to tears"?? Ha!
d. The Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road Award...(to get to the best garage sale item!)...awarded to the best bargain shopper this weekend! ~Mindy
d. The Chick Lit award that goes to the female blogger who drinks the most margaritas at the Junk Gypsy Prom!
d. The Golden Hen award that goes to the best blonde blogger!
Girl, there is one I am dying to post and I just can't bring myself to do it. I keep checking, hoping someone else will to put me out of my misery. Think, girl think!!!
Oh, go ahead and say it. It's just us here, as Connie Chung told Mrs. Clinton Sr. At least email it to Mal and me so we don't die of curiosity!
d. The Big Golden Chicken Award goes to Trash for having to email us what she couldn't post in the comments!!! hehehe
D. The Cher Award: Cock-A-Doodle Do, Any Cock Will Do!
Come on Trash Talk, its just the three of us...plus Sue!
d. And the Mother Hen Award goes to Ms. T
d. The Hen Scratch Award to everyone taking this pop test.
d. The Bird Brain Award
d. The Over Easy Award goes to Imogene...or so I have heard!
And me!
Keep it clean, girls, keep it clean!
Oops! I was replying to Malisa! Holy cow, did I get set up or what? haha
D. Fuck you you suck.
Im sorry. I've been dying to say fuck for TWO MONTHS and I knew I'd be safe here. This is my safe haven.
but I forgot the comma, didn't I???
ha ha
D. Did Mindy just admit that she was easy??!!
The way I see it, the comma could make a difference, Vodka Mom:
D. Fuck, you you suck.
D. Fuck you! You suck!
D. Fuck you, you suck.
D. Fuck, you you, suck!
So, what exactly did you mean?
D.It'a telephone. It's called a Cock Ring!
d. And the Queen of the Chicken House Award goes to Mal!
d. The Hard Boiled award goes to Cat Daddy.
d. Cat Daddy could also win the Old Gizzard Award.
d. The Chicken Feed Award goes to all the junkers out there trying to scratch out a living.
I think you all should participate in "fuck you fridays" on this blog.. . blog:http://www.momscrazylife.com/ I am hoping to be a winner, its very "freeing" to be so creative with that very special word ;0)
Good lord! A girl goes to bed with her own husband and this blogging group goes to hell in an egg basket by the next morning!
I am sooo late but...
D. The Hen Pecker Award goes to
D. The Hen who pecks quietly and carries a big COCK award goes to...
ox lulu
el Grandé Gallo Concesión Principal
(basic translation: The Big D**khead Award)
Tristan: I use to be a principal. I resemble that remark!
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