It is Wednesday...
and I'm really tired!
and I'm really tired!
I need to laugh...
let's write the...
Never-Ending Story!
Never-Ending Story!
1. I will post a picture and then begin a story
with 3 to 6 sentences...
2. Then I will stop in MID-SENTENCE...
3. The next person picks up (in MID-SENTENCE)
where the last comment left off and will then
add 3 to 6 sentences to continue the story...
4. And then she/he/it will stop in MID-SENTENCE
5. Don't end the story...
it is a never-ending story!
6. You may post as many comments as you want
to continue the story!
Let's Write!

Stanley was his birth name. Studley was his name of choice. He had spent his entire life trying to impress women. Now, at the age of 40, he decided to...
it was time to take off those itchy wool knickers and be free. He joined a nudist colony where he held the ladies' fascination each time he unrolled...
his jock strap! Stanley knew his chances for being a plus size model were over, but he could still be a ...
spokesperson for Enzyte Male Enhancement. Even if he was older, he still had a sackful of pride!
During his first interview with Enzyte, they asked him ...
...for testiclemonials...I mean testimonials. Immediately Studley thought of Malisa. Oh, the fun they used to have in bed. On the kitchen counter. At the grocery store. In the park. Of course, that was before Lurch came into the picture. Wait, he's not in that picture.
Anyway, Studley also thought of all the gals at Warrenton. Between sales they always managed to "fit" Studley in, so to speak!
So Studley called...
(OK girls, y'all are on your own with this one! I wouldn't touch this with a 10' ladder! I'll check by this evening and see where this ended up!)
(Well, dern. There goes half the fun right there, Trash. Get your butt back in here. I have to go to work myself in a little bit!)
Trash Talk, did you mean 10" ladder? :)
Yes, the girls of Warrenton "fit him in". He was the male model everyone wanted. Studley modeled junk necklaces, modeled cowboys hats, modeled yellow box shoes, modeled can-can petticoats and modeled for Marge the Sock Monkey Lady. But Studley's favorite vendor was Trash Talk because...
she appreciated Stanley's natural talents. Yes, Trash Talk used him as a measuring stick. Customers from everywhere would pile into Trash Talk's tent just to hear her say "Studley, would you mind stepping over here and measuring this buffet?". Female customers no longer had to wonder if that lovely park bench would fit on their front porches! All that had to say was "Studley,
(Excuse me...I was busy thinking about Studley!)
All they had to say was "Studley,...
...."oh dear Studley, could you please come over here and give me a hand? Little ol' me so needs a big boy like you to measure this.
I hear you have a big hard measuring stick."
With that, Studley pulled out a.....
cell phone and called Cat Daddy who was in the RV having a cold beverage. Studley asked, "I need a hand out here! No, Cat Daddy, I don't need another foot...I have plenty of measuring stick...I need a hand! Tell me, Cat Daddy, how did you keep all these women happy all these years? What? Your smile?". With that Lulu grabbed the wrist...and said "I need help measuring my junk bracelets! Can your measuring stick wrap around...
...something as sweet as this." Lulu stood there with a tight hold of Studley's wrist. He looked down to see her other free hand extended, holding out an overly beaded set of handcuffs. Before he could mutter a word of question or protest, Lulu slapped one cuff around Studley's wrist and....
the other cuff to her waist. Yes, Lulu had been doing Pilates. Lulu literally dragged Studley to Laurie who freed Studley from his bondage. Laurie was excited to see Studley and asked if he could play a violin, bake a cake or perform a wedding ceremony. Studley replied, "No, I am only licensed to...
(This post got the Trash Talk "kiss of death"! Hell, she even scared Texas Woman! I didn't think Trash Talk was scared to "touch" anything! Ha!)
....extract oily dirt scum from facial pores and administer Brazilian wax treatments. But I did once string my own venetian blinds and I just so happen to be a member of the.....
Members Only club." It was true. Studley's favorite pieces of clothing were his hand knitted swim trunks,his Members Only jacket and that extra pair of socks he kept stored in...
(Not without my HazMat suit!)
(Sorry. I've been busy! What spare time I did have I put to good use altering a photograph. hehehe. You'd be surprised at how long something like that takes!)
...swim cap where he also kept his body razor. That man shaved ALL his hair EVERYWHERE! Even...
Dear Malisa,
You mentioned on my blog that paybacks are, and I quote here, hell. May I remind you that the photo of you in the hearse (and please note how perfectly you fit into it although I did have to chop off your legs!) IS payback! Payback for a certain blog photo of me with a man on my hip!!! Don't say I didn't warn you.
You want a feud, woman? Bring it o-o-o-n-n-n-n!
The Texas Woman
But the man on your hip was CUTE! Doesn't that count?
He was as queer as a two dollar bill and you know it! Now, the hearse. The hearse is cute! In fact, it's the cutest outfit I've ever seen you in!
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