Monday, September 28, 2009

Trick or Halloween Treat!

Halloween Goodies!

I love Halloween!
Do you?

Have you noticed that
Halloween collectibles
are getting tough to find?

What a marvelous display!

Isn't this hard candy tin

At Rest...

Precious Halloween photos!

These black cats are trying to escape!

Guess the wicked witch
left this shoe behind!

All these Halloween collectibles
can be found in
Karen Armstrong's booth
in Lufkin, Texas.
Karen is one of the Moonlight Hollow girls
and has one of the most impressive Halloween
collections I have ever seen. She has placed a few
of her valuables in her display case, but has an
impressive collection that she has not decided to
part with yet. If you have any questions or requests
for a special Halloween collectible, you can contact
me and I will email you the information.
If you see something you like in Karen's display
case, you can contact the following:

Laura Koch, Owner

If you want to visit Heritage Antiques,
you are in for a treat!
110 W. Burke
Lufkin, Texas 75901