This song has been in my head this week.
Am I having flashbacks from 1967?
Sure this song sounded great back then,
but if I was listening to it today...
this is what I would listen to!
How awesome is Big' Maybelle?
"Black is black
I want my baby back.
It's grey, it's grey
since he went away
Oh, what can I do?
'Cause I-I-I-I-I
I'm feeling blue."
Black is black...
I want my baby back.
It's grey, it's grey...
since he went away.
What can I do?
'Cause I'm feeling blue...
Are you worried yet?
Afraid Lurch left me?
Nah, I just like the song...
and these rooms.
Where have I been lately?
Well, I am trying to get healthier
and I have been spending a lot of time
on my new blog, Pent-Up Photos!
Please come join me there every day!
I promise to make you smile or at least grin!
While you are there, leave me a comment and
sign up to follow me.
I could use the company and I miss you!