It is Wednesday...
So it must be Wacky Wednesday!So let's write the...
Never-Ending Story!
1. I will post a picture and then begin a story with 3 to 6 sentences...
2. Then I will stop in MID-SENTENCE...
3. The next person picks up (in MID-SENTENCE) where the last comment left off and will then add 3 to 6 sentences to continue the story...
4. And then she/he/it will stop in MID-SENTENCE
5. Don't end the is a never-ending story
6. You may post as many comments as you want to continue the story!
Let's Write!
They were the last four surviving members of the Hickville High School Class of 1949. They had all returned to the heart of Oklahoma to celebrate their 60th class reunion. Pictured from left to right are...
Lena, who isn't as lean as she once was; Fast Freddy, who's still up to his old tricks but hasn't realized Lena's a little lower than she used to be;
...because she had to give up wearing her cowboy boots...Leroy and Alma round out the gang. Leroy has a unusual relationship to the foursome, he is actually...
Couldn't get this to publish....
a long lost cousin twice removed to LBJ. He had hoped 60 yrs. ago at graduation to continue in the family business of politics by becoming a page in the Texas Senate, but instead he got a pageboy hairdo and became
a sign-carrying, war-protesting hippie! Instead of living in the White House, Leroy ended up living in a commune and spent the days floating nude at Hippie Hollow. Why, Leroy even had a peace sign tatooed on his...
...girlfriend Alma's bottom. Alma herself, became a legend for...
whipping Lena's butt with both hands tied behind her back. She went on to compete and be a world champion in the WWF as Leapin' Lena and her flying
squirrel! Yes, Lena loved her aquirrel, so did Leroy! Leroy was always begging Lena, "Come on, Lena, let me see your...
(We interrupt your regular programming for a short "I've got to get a hold of myself" to keep from writing what I want to write. OK, I'm better-on with the story."
fluffy tailed squirrel do his stuff and fly through the air with the greatest of ease and if you do that for me, why I'll gladly kiss
my hairdresser for all the years he did this great page, boy! Where am I going with this! Maybe Leroy played for the "other team" and maybe...
"Yes," he said. " I will kiss Fast Freddy at the next class reunion if you will let me see your flying squirrel!" Leroy was sure that Freddy was much too busy at the Fluff and Primp Salon to ever attend a class reunion. But here they were at their 60th reunion and Leroy felt the pucker begin in his
(I am rendered speechless)...Chi flat iron," One more for the Giffer" he proclaimed, as he gave in...
and said to Freddy,"Have you seen Lena's squirrel?" Infuriated, Lena jerked the flying squirrel out of the purse she was holding behind her back. The squirrel, who was agitated from being hidden in the purse, leapt into the air and landed on...
Fast Freddy's head thus creating not the coonskin hat of Davey Crockett fame, but the Rocky, the Flying Squirrel hat. Freddy wasn't called fast for nothing, he quickly knew he was on to something that was going to make him a ton of money and spread the legend far and wide of
(OK, I am stunned (really, I am) that I come here and can not think of one clever thing to say with your Wednesday prompts but then I am even more stunned to read what you've all come up with. HILARIOUS! You'd almost think you'd planned it.)
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