Thursday, June 4, 2009

And The Winner Is...

Moonlight Hollow
is proud to present
the winner of the
Bella Raffle Drawing!

Remember what Moonlight Hollow
was giving away as a prize?

That's right! 
Boob scarves for you 
and two of your closest friends!

Nah, we are fresh out of boob scarves.
The winner will be receiving this beautiful
turquoise necklace, earrings, a rhinestone
metal bangle bracelet and a kick butt LOVE bracelet!

Plus...the winner will receive
10 original Moonlight Hollow cards!
So who is the lucky winner?


Robin? Batman's partner?

Robin? Like the one in the Hood?

Robin? As in Mork?

Robin? As in Dr. Phil?

Robin? As in Round Robin?

Robin? As in Rockin' Robin?

Robin? As in Robin's Blue Nest?
Way to go, girl!

Robin is a blogging buddy and I am so tickled
she won our prize! Robin is a weekly contributor 
to Wacky Wednesday and Pop Test! Robin was 
also a runner-up winner in our Treasure Hunt!
If you haven't checked out Robin's blog, 
you need to do so now!

Robin, I already have your shipping address so don't 
worry about that. Since you have already received 
10 of our Moonlight Hollow cards as your Treasure Hunt
 prize,  I will be glad to substitute another item in 
place of the cards if you wish!  Just email me at:
Congratulations, Robin!