Monday, September 23, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Day 23...Tolstoy

Today's photo topic is Tolstoy. I know. I know. Who the hell would even think of such a topic? I am betting a fried bologna sandwich that Ziva and MikeWJ will be pointing fingers at each other. However, we all know that Tolstoy evolved from the maniacal brain of MikeWJ. It has his name written all over it. Well, not literally. That would be defacing a public statue or headstone or something. The topic smells of Mike. Similar to a dog marking his territory, MikeWJ hiked his leg and left this stench for the rest of us to deal with. I mean Kafka was kind of fun, but Tolstoy? 

Get a grip!

Which is just what I did. I gripped my old reliable six shooter. Is this a six-shooter? I have no idea. Anyway, I gripped the handle of my Lurch's gun and slapped Lurch's my sparkly gen-U-ine diamond ha ha ha peace sign on it. Problem solved. War and Peace. 

Which photo do you think best represents the topic? The purty one at the top or the gritty one here? I know the answer to that question. Who cares, right? 

Now all you visitors hop on over HERE to see some more bizarre interpretations of Tolstoy.

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